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Polytoxic’s Last Waltz Revisited VIII – November 21st – The Ogden

Estimated read time 7 min read

Polytoxic’s Annual Last Waltz Revisited is a Denver Thanksgiving tradition that was especially tasty this year. The Ogden was sold-out and filled with an energy that pulsed with love for the music of The Band on Thanksgiving Eve as four generations of audience members sang along to songs that have become ingrained in the fabric of our lives. Parents put their arms around their children, friends hugged each other in the middle of songs and people felt some of their favorite music in a way few get to experience.

Features Slideshow Articles

CR Gruver Continues A Colorado Thanksgiving Tradition With The Seventh Edition Of The Last Waltz Revisited

Estimated read time 2 min read

On Thanksgiving Day in 1976, a coked-up film director who had just scored massive success with his films “Mean Streets” and “Taxi Driver,” stepped away from the cityscape of New York and traveled to the Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco to train his lens on a band for the first time. Over the course of a nine-hour event, he helped to close one chapter of rock and roll, and to ultimately define every rock movie that ever followed.